Avis de voyage pour l'Ukraine

Le ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes a mis à jour son avis de voyage pour l'Ukraine:

"All trips to the entire Ukrainian territory are strongly discouraged.

Luxembourg nationals and residents who are currently in Ukraine and whose presence is not absolutely necessary are advised to leave the country without delay. Flight connections are becoming less frequent.

It is also recommended to register with LamA and the Belgian Embassy in Kiev.

Further information on how to use the LamA is available here.

For further details about the situation on the ground, we recommend consulting the travel advice published by the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs:


In case you require consular assistance, further useful contact are:"

Embassy of Luxembourg in Prague (accredited in Ukraine)

Apolinářská 439/9

128 00 Praha 2

Czech Republic

Tel: (+420) 257 181 800

Fax: (+420) 257 532 537

E-mail: prague.amb@mae.etat.lu

(+420) 734 571 020

Consulate of Belgium in Kiev

Vul Mykoly Rayevskoho, 4 b

UA-01042 Kyiv

Tel: (+380) 44 529 41 41

Emergency Tel: (+380) 50 387 7501

Fax: (+380) 44 529 41 58

E-mail: kiev@diplobel.fed.be

Web: https://ukraine.diplomatie.belgium.be/fr

Mon - Fri 08h30 - 12h30 and 13.30h - 16.30h

Honorary Consulate of Luxembourg in Ukraine

19/7, Lypskaya Street, Office 86

01021 Kiev Ukraine

Tel: (+380) 44 490 6929

Fax: (+380) 44 289 2042

Web: http://luxembourg.org.ua/en/

Honorary Consulate of Belgium in Lviv

14 Ivan Franko str

79005 Lviv Ukraine

Tel: (+380) 32 260 20 69 – 01 49

GSM: (+380) 68 137 5209

E-mail: consulbelg@gmail.com


Communiqué par le ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes