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20 concrete actions of the PAN 2
Category 1 – Communication and awareness-raising
1.1. Communicating and raising awareness
Category 2 – Training, lessons learnt and transmission
2.1. Providing training on the topic "Business and human rights” for lawyers
2.2. Creating training modules on human rights due diligence
2.3. Raising awareness and training companies on "Business and Human Rights”
2.4. Finalising and implementing the National Pact on "Business and Human Rights”
2.5. Protecting human rights in companies in the context of new information and communication technologies (ICTs), including artificial intelligence (AI)
Category 3 – Policy coherence
3.1. Establishing pilot projects on due diligence in state-majority-owned companies
3.2. Increasing the consideration of the Guiding Principles by contracting authorities in their public procurement procedures
3.3. Strengthening the coherence of human rights policies through cross-references in the texts and on relevant websites of the various national action plans related to human rights
3.4. Strengthening human rights criteria in existing quality labels
Category 4 – Legislative initiatives
4.1. Studying the possibility of legislating on a due diligence duty
4.2. Monitoring the commitment to a due diligence duty at the European level
4.3. Preparing the implementation in Luxembourg of the European regulation on conflict minerals
4.4. Considering the ratification of the Protocol (P29) to the ILO Convention on Forced Labour
Category 5 – International relations
5.1. Promoting the Guiding Principles in international forums and in international relations, including in international economic relations and relations with partner countries of Luxembourg's Development Cooperation
5.2. Introducing human rights due diligence as recommended by the Guiding Principles into public-private partnership mechanisms
5.3. Including awareness-raising language on corporate social responsibility and human rights in the dossiers for Luxembourg's economic missions abroad
Category 6 – Remedies
6.1. Mapping of judicial and non-judicial, public and private remedies in cases of a human rights violations
6.2. Strengthening links between the "Business and Human Rights” WG and the NCP for implementing of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
6.3. Supporting the transposition of the European directive on whistleblowers