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Study in Luxembourg
Scholarship Guillaume Dupaix
Each year, the Directorate of European Affairs and International Economic Relations awards scholarships, known as the Guillaume Dupaix Scholarship, to foreign students wishing to pursue a Master's degree or take part in an exchange programme at the University of Luxembourg.
Who can apply?
- EU and non-EU Master’s applicants at the University of Luxembourg
- High academic achievers in Bachelor studies
- Full time students
- Non-beneficiaries of Luxembourg’s state financial aid for higher education
- Guaranteed accommodation
For more information, visit the University of Luxembourg website.
Interview Scholarship recipients Guillaume Dupaix
[Video/Audio Kiss] Interview Boursiers Esther
[Video/Audio Kiss] Interview Boursiers Mohanraj
Study abroad
- Studying abroad
- Passeport and Visa requirements
- Lëtzebuerger am Ausland - Informing the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Defence, Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade of your stay abroad