Become a signatory

Through its House of Sustainability, the Chamber of Commerce and its members promote respect for human rights, which are an integral part of corporate social responsibility (RSE – Responsabilité Sociale des Entreprises). Raising awareness among companies about this multifaceted issue is crucial to driving meaningful action.

The national Pact "Business and Human Rights” is a voluntary commitment by which companies declare their determination to implement the United Nations Guiding Principles within their organisation and value chain.

The national Pact provides your company with the key elements for understanding expectations in terms of respect for human rights, as well as the tools for implementing due diligence and remedies.

The benefits of your commitment:

  • Governance and management tools
  • Skills enhancement through dedicated training courses
  • Support and advice
  • Implementation of due diligence
  • Compliance and legal certainty
  • Competitiveness
  • Reduction of the risk of complicity in human rights violations
  • Enhancement of the value of your commitment
  • Positioning, image and reputation
  • Improved non-financial reporting
  • Cooperation with your supply chains and stakeholders
  • Individualised feedback on your annual report
  • Membership of the national business community for the respect of human rights

Signatory form

Please fill in the form (Pdf, 483 Kb) below and send it to