Switzerland is preparing to include Luxembourg in its list of States and areas with an increased risk of a COVID-19 infection. This could already take place on 22 July 2020.
The Swiss quarantine regulations currently in force foresee an obligation to go immediately to your home or to another suitable accommodation upon arrival and to stay there permanently for 10 days from the day of your arrival in Switzerland. Additionally you have to report your arrival to the cantonal authority responsible within 2 days.
Simple transit through Switzerland remains possible without any quarantine obligation.
Exceptions to this quarantine obligation are provided in particular for those who enter Switzerland on a daily basis or for a maximum of 5 days, for professional reasons (with a certificate from the employer) or compelling medical reasons without the possibility of postponement.
A medical certificate or proof of a negative COVID test do not constitute grounds for exemption from the quarantine obligation by the Swiss authorities.
Possible derogations for well-founded cases may be authorised by the cantonal authorities. It is therefore recommended to check with the local cantonal authorities.
Further adjustments in the modalities of application of the quarantine rules remain possible. It is recommended that travellers coming from Luxembourg keep themselves informed via the official Swiss websites:
- Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH)
- State Secretariat for Migration (SEM)
- Infoline provided by the Swiss authorities for people entering Switzerland: (+41) 58. 464 44 88 (daily from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m.)
Press release by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs